<aside> 💡 Ready to strategize???


Why are you creating content?

You're probably reading this because you want to make money.

That is the purpose of our content, to bring in revenue for our businesses, right?

So as we dive in to our content strategy, we have to keep that in mind. Every piece of content is helping us to make money in our businesses.

And so as we start to plan out all of the pieces that I'm going to lay out for you on this page. We have to start with how we're making money first.

Your content should be designed to attract your ideal audience, nurture your connection with them, and then convert them into sales of your products or the products you promote.

Typically your content will be 40% attract, 40% nurture, 20% converting content (aka sales/promo), but these are just general guidelines and each business will have a different way to break this up depending on current goals.

Attraction content is designed to cast a wide net to bring in as many people into your world as possible. So if we're looking at TikTok or Instagram, this might look like a short seven second audio. Paired with a trending sound.

Versus nurturing content which might be a more in-depth how-to. or a relatable story. Something that helps to both show your expertise and also. Connect you to your audience so that they start to trust you.

And then finally, you're converting content is sales content. You're converting content could be as basic as talking about sales and promotion, or it could be more subtle like sharing a client success story.

But the biggest thing that your converting content or your sales content needs to do is to help your ideal audience, your ideal customers, bridge the gap from where they're at right now and the problems that they're having to understanding that you and what you offer is the solution.

So even if you don't have something to actually sell yet, maybe you're just getting started as a content creator, you're selling yourself. You're selling your content. You're selling a place in your audience where people can be educated or entertained.

Content Pillars

Content pillars are the core themes or topics that form the foundation of your content strategy. They are the main subject areas that you consistently create content around, aligning with your brand's expertise, values, and audience interests. By establishing clear content pillars, you can: